Saturday, November 04, 2006

Spirited Away - Vanishing spirit

Welcome back to my lovely blog(vomit :) so, today I will criticize the second movie which is famed as a elaborate,careful and full of imaginative movie. This movie is named "Spirited Away" and certainly build by the Studio Ghibli. Spirited Away was released in Japan in July 2001, drawing an audience of about 250$ million, to become the highest-gaining movie in Japanese history and surpass Titanic and Princess Mononoke grossing. Moreover, It was the first movie earned $200 million at the worldwide box office before opening in the United States. By 2002, a sixth of the Japanese population had seen it.

Brief story- A little pigheaded girl named Chihiro sitting in the family's car, going to her new house. She doesn't like this trip very much. When her father is considered to stop his car during the travel to discover the tunnel she does not know that will change her life forever....
Before little Chihiro gets heart disease when she found herself in a strange world which is fulling of many odd living things. The boy named Haku comes to help her and introduces the way to get away from this world. But she can't come back her home easily because her parents were condemned by magic, becoming to a pig and forgot themselves that result from her parents ate a food of somebody-maybe a god,by greed. With Haku and Kamaji-who works in a bathhouse help, Chihiro can work in a bathhouse which is belonging to a sorceress named Yubaba but Yubaba has a stipulation that Chihiro must agree. Chihiro is stolen her real name by Yubaba that means Yubaba stealing a spirit of Chihiro and Chihiro can't remember her real name, her past and herself and from now on she will be called "Sen". Fortunately, in the next morning Haku who knows Yubaba's plan help Chihiro by return her real name and her past. Hence, Chihiro knows herself and pretend to be Sen when she works in the bathhouse. This event changes little Chihiro from a baby, lazy and no manner (at first she doesn't know even thank or knocking the door) to grow up as an adult. She must learn many things that can't face in a child's world such as working, signing a contract or even disadvantage. Walking through the tunnel seems to be growing up from a little child to be an adult, so Chihiro and the audience will learn a life in an unseen world that has never seen before. Can Chihiro live and get away from this world with her parents? See by your eyes with the movie that you have never seen before.

Trailer ^

Criticism- Spirit may has no a definition. It means an energy or the qualities that make someone live the way or courage and determination or etc. So, this movie expresses a spirit into many forms such as
Greed : Greed changes her parents to be an ugly pig.
Lonely : A faceless demon always facing lonely but when Chihiro gives him a friendship that seems to be little for someone but it can't value for a faceless demon. A faceless demon thinks that friendship can available by the money like the children in this age that think they can find a friendship with their money but Chihiro teaching a faceless demon that a friendship can't available by the money.
Sacrifice : Even though Chihiro knows that a medicine which is given from a tidal god can cure her parents but Chihiro brings it to help Haku and a faceless demon.

Wickedness & selfish : The black wickedness in this world is transmitted by a sorceress Yubaba but at the same time the movie is not show vices many more even though the adult's world has a vice as Yubaba but the adult's world also has a goodness hiding in her twin.
Lazy and self-centered : With Yubaba nurturing, her baby can do nothing. He can only lying on his bed, crying, sleeping and eating. He will become to a child with full of many toys but no has a friend, always in the world of himself all the time. But when he was condemned by magic, travelling with Chihiro. He can walk by his leg and know that the world is not afraid than he knows before.
Perseverance : Perseverance makes Chihiro who is ten years old can do many things that she thinks she can't do it before. She probably doesn't think before that she has the ability and performance like the others. Chihiro's perseverance not only helps her parents but also help the others and make Chihiro knows that she grows up to be an adult.
Friendship & Love : Lin(senior servant) has it with Chihiro and Chihiro has it with Haku. The beginning of this movie is happened by this friendship and love. Chihiro got it when she was young. When she came into the town it made her know of friendship and love.This thing makes Chihiro can alive and safe all the time. Friendship and love are the things that she gives and gets, so she can beat her obstacle and help the others in the end.
Identity : "Name" is the most important thing in this movie. In the real world name is also important because name is telling his or her identity. Many people destroy their identity for getting a job or a power as same as a demon in this movie, so at last they will forget their identity like the demons or Haku. For exchange something, they will lost their name but when they want to get their name return they will know it is too late. Many times that our identity can't return when we make a decision to discard "name"and discard "identity" of us.

Summary- Spirited away is an adventure, fantasy, philosophy animation. This animation is not deeply impressed, not has an effect on your mood but this is the greatest animation in quality and in philosophy. If you want to see it for amusement, this is the great funny animation. If you want to see it for the picture, this is the most beautiful details. And if you want to see it for the story, you will find the great essences and the great imaginations that I can't explain to you. It is an animation and a movie which in the "must see" level.

Credit :

story 10/10
picture 8/10
amusement 7/10
worth 10/10
overall 8.75/10 give the score by myself : D

Ending Song-Itsumo Nando Demo(Always with me) Artist:Joe Hisaishi
***Because of I didn't reduce the quality of this song, thus it will need a time before playing. If you can't hear the song, just click and wait for a minute. Sorry for inconvenience***

Friday, November 03, 2006

Princess Mononoke - The truth of the valley

Ah Hah! Hello friends, today I saw the movie named Princess Mononoke. This movie is produced in 1997 by Studio Ghibli which is established by an illustrious man named Hayao Miyasaki.If you know Waltz Disney of the west you will know this man who is famed to be Waltz Disney of Asia. I like all of the movie which is produced by this studio so, I think I will try to criticize the movie by myself and this is the first movie which will be criticized via my feeling when I see it come to an end..... Princess Mononoke.

Brief story- A kind warrior prince of a destroyed clan named Ashitaka journeys from his homeland to stop the war during a human and an animal. He gets the curse from a demon that assault his village, then, he must find the way to cure this curse. During the journey he finds himself among in the war. He finds San who is a bitter princess of the beasts who fights for her forest. San is a human but when she was young, she was nurtured by a goddess of wolf named Moro. When she grow up she thinks she is not like a normal human. She hates lady Eboshi who is a governer of the irontown because Eboshi destroys her beloved forest for civilizes her own town. However, if the town has the governer, the valley has the ancient spirit of the valley too. The valley spirit named Shishigami or Shishi who is the god of life. He has the ability to give and take life away. Lady Eboshi wants to kill Shishi because if Shishi is dead she will destroy the forest easily. Beside the spirit of the valley and a goddess of an animal, the forest also has a small fairy named Kodama who live in this valley, helping people that lost his/her way. Can Ashitaka and San save our home planet or not? See by your eyes unclouded in Hayao Miyasaki's Princess Mononoke.

Trailer ^

Criticism- The main subject of the whole story is related between living of all lifes and the standing point of two sides that can separate into two mains side. One side is the group that live in the forest. They believe that the environment, such as forest, valley is the life of every living things and the environment have the highest leader or called "spirit of the valley" so, he has the group of a goddess animals that always protect him. Another group live in the irontown. They believe that the forest give many profits to them. Everyone can use the profits as one wishes.
When their belief are contradicting it becomes to two sides of a coin that never understand each other forever. If viewing by the human being's eyes you can see that human must fight for revenge or destroy their frightening but if you view by the forest's eye you can see the environment must also fight for protect their tribe and their precious forest too. But, in fact, the most horror thing is not the human or the environment because the most horror thing is the passion in their heart that can't go away and show this passion into many forms, such as anger, rancour and something else.

Summary- This is the great animation concealing many viewpoints that can teach either children or even adult. It's a good animation and a worth movie. If you have a chance to see it you "must" see it.

story 8/10
picture 7/10
amusement 9/10
worth 10/10
overall 8.5/10 give the score by myself : D

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Hello! everybody who lose your way into my blog

I feel proud to say "thank you" for come into my blog whether you intend or not. It's not important than you can comment my tiresome story,share our experiences and something else. I wish you will have fun with my blog (otherwise I will kill you---just kidding : p). If you are ready,let's go with me~~~

Ps. For someone learned in English II class sec.882 either my old friend or coming soon friend. Thank you very much to comment my tiresome story. I wish we will continue to be a good friend forever >_<