Friday, December 29, 2006

Death Note II

What is a moral? Why the present world is rotten like this? You can answer this question after you see this movie “Death note II” but sorry I have never gone to see (writing so long for what? -_-). However, I see the comic before the movie was released. The story just begins at Japan, when the world is rotten. There are some people think that the world should has someone to judge the human who does some bad actions. Raito who is a cleverest student in high school can enter to Tokyo University which is the most famous university in Japan. He thinks that the world has no justice. He wants to be a potentate who can judge one person dead. One day while he was learning in class, he sees something fall from the sky, lying on the floor outside, so he want to know what is it. After the class time out, he finds the black book on the floor and take it to his home. When he is at home he finds the book is named “Death note”. After he sees inside he found that this book can kill everybody in this world, just only write someone’s name who he wants to kill. When he tests the book he finds that someone makes something bad should be punished, he will be the god of the world and makes the world becomes better. But, his plan is not easy than he thinks because of “L” a mysterious detective who try to arrest Raito for punishing. He tries every ways to arrest Raito but at last, Raito can kill him. After that, “Near” who is the student that learning in the school which is established for finding new L wants to arrest Raito by himself. So, he tries to catch Raito and at the end he can. Moreover, Raito is also dead. When this comic is come to an end you will find that there are some people who believe in Raito and think Raito is the god who makes the world better. In fact, the world has fewer murderers, thief than before when Raito is controlling the world but I think he is a killer who is the worst killer in history. He thinks killing bad person and helping good person is the good thing and that’s true in my mind but only helping good person. Even though, the person he killed is a bad person, such as thief, murderer or something else but I think he should not doing like this. The world has the rule and the town also has too. He should let it to the duty of law. The law will manage bad person by itself and make bad person becomes good that’s one purpose of criminal law. I can say that he is the worst killer in history because he kills many persons. He is not a true god. He has no right to do that. Even if, some people thinking that he is a god and a justice but not for me, never. Everyone already knows a justice in their mind, knows what is good and what is bad. We normally know it by our moral doctrine that we were derived when we were young. Raito has the power to make the world becomes to everything he wants it to be. He is clever but he has no moral, so I think he is only a moron who has the power and uses the power in bad ways. This movie shows that almost people like to use the power that they have in bad ways if they have a chance. Nowadays, even the world becomes more civilization but our human’s mind are not taken development. Worse than this, human’s mind is becoming bad and bad all days. You can see it from newspaper or television that have many news about killer, murderer, rapist cases almost every days. I can’t know what is the cause of it, maybe possibly because of environment or nurturing. So, when you grow up to be an adult and have a child. You should teach he or she not only knowledge but also moral. The world becomes better or worse is belonged to your hands. You are the one who can help this rotten world that’s all.

Ps. Earthquake at Taiwan make me upset. I go banana.

Ps2. Happy New Year again, now I’m in Kanchanaburi, waiting for new year

Ps3. Arghhhhhh! Mid-term exam is coming soon

Last Ps. And Final exam will come fast than I think -.-

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