Thursday, January 25, 2007

Brandname Vs. Yokel - How the salesmen serve me?

From marie claire magazine
I think this is interesting and should be spreaded to everyone in the society.
Credit :
I will translate this story into English language here and now.

Four ways to prove reactions
1 Visiting brand name shop.
2 Testing cosmetics at the counter.
3 Making a credit card.
4 Visiting BMW showroom.

Marie Claire team sended one girl ( I guess she is an actress) to do 4 things, proving reactions from the salesmen. This project was consisted of two days, one dressing and makeup like a yokel and another dressing and makeup like a rich person.

First day : A yokel in the city
Begin testing with a costume shop in price below than 199 baht.
" I dress myself with a big T-shirt, covered by a square shirt and dress a black long pant, wearing a slipper ( I do not wear it for 5 years already) Not use a perfume, not makeup and not shampoo the hair. After dressing, I go to meet my mom and she says ' Nothing looks bad than this O.K. you can go now '
Before I get into the shop, I can feel something strange. The salesman looks sharply at me and notices me from head to toes and from toes to head. I do not want to believe that my costume makes me feel low-classed like this. Although I feel numb but I encourage myself, considering to get into the shop. When I am in the shop I definitely vow that the salesman thinks I will steal the item. I do not want to feel bad anymore, so I consider buying 1 shirt but surprisingly she looks kind than before.

Visiting brand name shop, someone has an averse attitude with me.
" Testing with the shop in price below than 199 baht can make me feel bad, I do not want to think if I get into a brand name shop, how the salesmen serve me? Soon, I get into the brand name shop in price start with 10,000 baht. The salesman slowly greets me and looks like she does not want to serve me but I do not mind, so I walk with affected grace, discovering the items in this shop. I hold one shoe and I see a salesman leader tries to tell her subordinate to keep an eye on me. As I stare at her, she is paying no attention with me but her subordinate follows me everywhere and it is not possible to flee from her evil eyesight. As one golden shoe striking the eyes, 15,800 baht, I enjoy seeing it and feel thirsty, so I eat the pineapple which bought from outside but it is too big, so I cut it and send it into my mouth. As I chew it, it fouls my mouth, so I raise my shirt to wipe my mouth. After that I look up and see the most evil eyesight staring at me (Hmm... maybe she is angry because I do not apportion the pineapple) I walk away her but another salesman near me looks like to disgust all out. I walk out from the shop and smell my shirt, it is not smell bad, so I have a simple summary that if you looks unclean even your cloth is smell good but the others will also disgust you".
Testing cosmetics at the counter, I-am-very-small.
" The salesman does not pay attention in me, I look the items for a long time but she cannot see me, looks like I can invisible when I stand in front of her. I ask her with my loud voice " Madam is this a nail polish? " Yes is she short answer. She stares sharply at me like she hates me since the former world. " That bottle is 750 baht ". She looks me by her outer canthi of the eye and does not interested in me. That minute I feel very angry and my body begins tremble. Since I was born no one cruel to me like this before. So, I walk tired away from the counter and go to next target".

Making a credit card, I am discredited!
" I rest for a while and then I go to the bank. One officer use his eyes scan my cloth and he speak kindly with me " For the simple card you MUST HAVE a salary more than 15,000 baht " So, I ask him bravely " How about platinum card? " He smiles insultingly at me and answers me " You MUST HAVE a salary more than 250,000 baht" So, I ask him for the details to make the card. I guess he thinks I will never be his customer so sure. At another bank, the officer prohibits me to get in. She ask me " What do you want to do?" I answer her " Just making a credit card" She is not smile at me and tell me " Wait for a minute" But her wait for a minute is like wait for an hour. I still doubt why the lady who looks like a millionaire arrive after me can no wait but for me she tells me " If you want some more information please use that telephone dials to the call center"

Visiting BMW showroom, I do not want to believe he takes care of me very good.
" In the showroom have many businessmen. When I get in, some salesmen look at me but no one walk to me, so I walk to the expensive looking car and one salesman walk to me and say " Can I help you? " His respect makes me surprise. He has no insult with me like I met all the day. I talk with him " Er...This car looks pretty good" He smile and tells me " This model is called the 750 Li. Do you want to try and sit inside? ". I never thought that he would open up the car door of a 17 million baht, brand new and shiny car for me to try out so easily.

Next day I will translate next week see ya!

Saturday, January 20, 2007

The Conflict "Russia - USA"

This is the one of the greatest anti-war cartoons. Knowledge of Russian not required. Do not be too excited because this is a "short-time animation" but the 7 minutes can tell many things to us in forms that you can not guess. The story began as the matchbox which was consisted of two- colors match; green and purple became more and more conflict. They cut the land into two pieces-green land, purple land, marking obviously their area. Both green-headed match and purple-headed match provide the soldier to reconnoiter their land. But, when their two reconnoiter their land, they do not intend to quake the mark, so the land of purple expand into the land of green. When the green soldier sees it, he consequently pushes it back in the past position. As the purple soldier sees it, he is not pleased, he thinks the green soldier tries to expand the land into his land, so he pushes it back but the green soldier is not pleased too. So, they push the mark again and again and then, they are controversy and then fighting is the good way to judge ( the good way of fool -_-) The green-headed soldier is beaten. He crawls to his ally in serious condition. Meanwhile the purple-headed soldier expands the land into green land, three soldiers from green land come to kill him. Three soldiers pushes the mark into the land of purple, but it is not easy to do that. Many purple-headed soldiers come and expand their land into the land of green. So, as the green see, they come back with the cavalry mans and kill all the purple. As the purple side see it, they use machine gun to kill all the green, but the green counter-attack the purple by the tank. The purple bring the barbed wines to buffer the green and yes! They can protect the green. Among the pleasure of the purple, they do not know the immense green army come from everywhere for one purpose - make all the purple become extinct. When they are no any methods to protect their homeland, they discuss with every purple and consider using the last plan - nuclear weapon. When the Death personified flies on the sky, both of green and purple can not even know that is the catastrophe which leads them to the journey's end. Soon, the green disappear from this world and the pleasure of the purple also happen, but not durable. The flame spread through the purple and that is all - tragedy happens. The view which is appeared in front of us is the death, the death and the end of the fools below the matchbox which is full of foolish.

Summary- The greatest anti-war cartoon without any doubt! The imagination of the producer is awesome. The symbol (match) can show us the mood, the feeling all out. The movie is in line with the present situation. War becomes more and more and some people think that war is the best way to destroy the conflict. The movie obviously teaches us to know the cruel of war. The war will not happen if the world rest in peace but I can not know that how long the peace stay with us?

Monday, January 01, 2007

Wilkimapia : Our small world

Hey! That is your house and that is my house. Still wonder? Follow me and you will know what is it. Today, you can travel around the world just click and waiting 1..2..3.. Let's go! Here is the website which is named wikimapia In this website you can travel around the world just click! If you want to find your house just type the address near your house and then see what happen. You can save your address and see when you want but don't mark your house into the website otherwise maybe someday your house will be exploded by someone who dislike you X D. The website was established for every people. You can mark at all places you want but don't mark on your house by the reason that I have mentioned. So, if you want to mark on some places, please think before marking. Beside of all, you can travel to every place in the world, such as Great Pyramid, Sphinx, Great Wall of China, Stone Henge, Eiffel Tower or something else. Now, the world is smaller than you think, the world is yours!

Seem familiar?